Monday, December 13, 2010

Endless love

Deb here.

Hello people

It was yet another simple day even though the starting did not turn out well.
But still,
Thank you love for always making things right after defining the problems.

Arguing with you in previous days ain't what I wanted.
But I am glad that everything turned out at the end.
Your sorry, kiss & hug made everything right.
Thank you for forgiving me of my mistakes. ><

I just miss the past when my mind is still innocent and pure.
Those times before going through those heartbreaks that I'll never forget.
The time when everyday past with laughter and a wide smile on the face.

I guess this is what we call as life,
As things come and go, they never stay.

Every time I get around you,
I see the best of me inside your eyes,
You make me smile =)

Deb deb ~

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