Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New hair cut again

My new hair cut!

Hello people
I'm back to blogger.
Omg, it been a long time I didn't update my blog.
How are you guys recently?
I guess less people will view my blog since I didn't update it.
Am I too busy? No, I'm just lazy & nothing much to post here.

Just wanna show you all my new hairstyle.
I'm in love with my short hair although I prefer long hair.
I had 3 different hair colour previously.
It was damn ugly so my hair stylist asked me to redye again.
Cut RM45 + Redye RM180 + Scalp (protect hair) RM35 
So total up = RM260
Is it expensive?
haha my hair very dry and i never do treatment before ~so i have to use specific hair shampoo to maintain my hair smoothly.

 And here is our photos.

Wilfred cut his hair too.
Everybody agreed and praised him that he's suitable in 'botak'.
Like 拳王. Hahaha really laugh die me.

Guess what?
Today is a very important day for LEEHOM.
It is his birthday.
Happy Birthday my beloved Music-Man LEEHOM.
You're just a perfect guy to me.
And I absolutely admire you.
I'll support you always, you rock my world HOMBOY.
Give you a kiss - muackssssss  

Have a nice day! 
Deb deb 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Things that a perfect guy would do

Hello People

Its 2012 now!
How are you guys doing?
Nothing special, just wanna share you guys something here :)
Please read it ~

1. Known how to make you smile when you are down.
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.
3. Stick up for you, but still respect your independence.
4. Give you the remote control during the game.
5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.
6. His hand would always find your hand.
7. Never run out of love.
8. Be funny, but know when to be serious.
9. Smile a lot.
10. Plans a romantic date full of things he wouldn't normally do because he knows it means a lot to you.
11. Appreciate you.
12. Help others out.
13. Always give you a kiss when you leave, even when his friends are watching.
14. Sing your favourite songs to you always.
15. Have a creative sense of humour.
16. Stare at you.
17. Call for no reason.
18. Call you every morning before going to work & call you every night before going to sleep.

Have a nice day!
Deb deb ~