Am tired #
I realised people are all realistic. ( Not all, maybe I should say some? )
One thing that I've learnt from all these while is, people do really change.
Change into better? Worse?
That's for you to go and figure it out.
When we were still in form one, we used to look at those form 4 / form 5 's seniors .
Lolx, we'll keep wonder , why they looked so mature?
Yet, it's our turn, when my friend & I look at those form one's toddlers, we were like, "harrr"?
Is this how we looked when we were in form one? Yes, indeed it is :D
Then we started to laugh. hahah
Just like those love-love relationship matters.
For me, its just so normal to have secret crush on someone although you're just 12, 13, or even 14 years old .
Lolx. nowadays many teenagers are falling in love with each other without their's family permission? Yes. I do agree with it as I am the one of them also ^^ Bad bad~
But for the love matters, its not an age-matter yet its all about how much you've been through.
Memories should be thrown away yet I kept it in heart and I was so stubborn before.
I used to have those sad memories in mind but for now, I know I should just keep those pretty memories and get those sad ones out from my mind =)
I am sitting in front of the lappie and doing nothing.
Speechless ...
Gonna offline and many assignments are waiting for me, to be completed ><
At least need to complete one ass today. MUST. GOGOGO!!!
Stay love and Happy Wesak Day =p